International security monthly - 37

The Ukraine War Special Issue

Britain and the European Security Following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine/ Hoseon Mofidi Ahmadi

The Russian Invasion of Ukraine and China: Opportunities, Challenges, and Lessons/ Fariborz Arghavani Pirsalami

Germany Beefs UP Military Spending After Ukraine Invasion: Reasons and Outcomes/ Abed Akbari

Sanctions as an Evolving Tool: The Ukraine War and International Sanctions on Russia/ Hosein Ajorlou

The Ukraine War: A Preamble to the New World Order/ Rezadad Darvish

The Ukraine War and the Future of European Integration/ Alireza Samoodi

How the Ukraine War Is Changing Global Defense-Military Policies/ Behnam Khosravi

Researching the Roots of the Ukraine War and Its International Implications/ Rahim Bayazidi, Mostafa Pakdel majd